Sunday, July 11, 2010


Ya Allah,
Sesungguhnya aku ini hanyalah seorang hamba yang lemah.
Aku tidak layak utk menduduki Syurga Mu.
Aku telah melanggar perintah dan larangan Mu ya Allah.
Sesungguhnya aku ini cetek ilmu pengetahuan.
Apatah lg dlm perihal agamaMu ya Allah.
Aku berasa sangat bersalah buat masa ini terhadap Mu ya Allah.
Ya Allah,
Ampuni aku.
Suluhkan cahaya hidayah Mu kepada ku ya Allah.
Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Pengampun.
Jika apa yang telah aku lakukan itu salah,
Kau ampunilah aku ya Allah,
Kau berilah petunjuk kepada ku ya Allah.
Sesungguhnya aku keliru.
Aku jahil ya Allah.
Aku mohon pada Mu ya Allah.
Ampunilah aku.


  1. kalau rasa t diri ni tak boleh nak dikawal first thing first remember HIM..selangkah salah stau berkat hilang..satu berkat hilang xde maknenye pe yg kite wat..
    kalo susah sgt la nk wat..ingt la mak ayh yg dah bersusah payah utk kite..tingat muke diorg pn hati sayu..caye le..
    err sori..skema sgt..

  2. tahan sikit nafsu tu,haha
    aku pun trpakssa tekan nafsu

  3. I don't want any eyes on me except mine
    so that I wouldn't be blind
    from what the Divine
    had blessed me through time
    and the blessing of time
    because not even a second can I rewind.
    Islam and I are intertwined
    however sometimes I can go out of line.
    Hey, I'm just a regular guy, confined
    by the same things that you and I are inclined
    to. But I praise Him for He reminds
    me and calls me back home.
    It comforts me to know that I'm not alone.
    I do have the muscles but He is my bones.
    The One true God on the Throne
    So do not complain, do not moan,
    He's listening to your heart, which He owns.
    Drop your blunt sword
    and return to your Lord
    then you will strike the chord
    bringing you back on board.
    That is the best of rewards,
    giving me a peace of mind
    O Allah, I see the light I see the signs
    But first, I don't want any eyes on me except mine.
