Monday, June 28, 2010

A trend? So WHAT if it is?

Lets face it people, some people have little time on their hands while others have plenty. Like me, I'd say I have plenty. Too much perhaps. And I admit that. So I dont mind people asking me to do things because I really dont mind. Keeps my unsettling mind at ease. I mean, seriously, who wouldnt want that? I guess its better than thinking abt something that is pointless or useless. I saw a couple of people post something on their facebook abt people changing their profile pictures from the palestinian flag to football jersey. I mean, what the f? Dont any of you guys have anything better to do? Its good to know that u guys r actually using that brain of yours for something: a lil bit of thinking. Well that's good.. but not good enough im afraid. Seriously, there's a lot of better things to think about in this world ( or even the afterlife.. think abt that for instance! ). Its not that im saying you are wrong for doing so but please, we all know what these pointless assumptions would do on us. People start to argue.. you're wrong.. im right.. blah blah blah.. one word: POINTLESS. Its not like anything would change if you actually point those things out.

Another day another thought. THINK!


  1. hangat hangat TAHI ayam.
    tengok, ramai orang suka tahi.
    sape cakap orang tak suka.

  2. haha x gak.. psl org gune utk bnda yg buruk.. maksud nye org still x suke tahi.. haha
